Arts, culture, and cultural awareness in education [Recurs electrònic] / author: Magdalena Pasikowska-Schnass ; European Parliamentary Research Service
Series: Briefing (European Parliament)Publication details: [Bruxelles] European Parliament, 2017Description: 12 p. : digital, fitxer PDF (2,69 Mb)Online resources: Summary: Cultural and educational policies can contribute to the development of skills needed to cope with the complexity of contemporary multicultural societies, and to qualify for jobs in the fast-growing creative and cultural industries. This is supported by research on learning processes and the impact of art and cultural education. Both Unesco and the OECD have called for a proper place for, and recognition of, art and culture in education. In the EU, competence for culture and education policies lies with the Member States, though the EU plays a role too, by supporting them financially, and supplementing and coordinating their efforts in this field. A 2006 European Parliament and Council recommendation on key competences included cultural awareness and expression as a transversal competence. This was understood to comprise knowledge of particular works of art from local, regional, national and European cultural heritage; their relationship to other cultures worldwide; self-expression in various media, styles, and forms; and openness to intercultural communication. The European Commission continues to support projects to modernise education. In 2017, it launched a public consultation on the revision of the key skills and competencies needed for the labour market of the future, with a view to updating them. The European Parliament has undertaken work on the subject in an own-initiative report. (Font: Autor)No physical items for this record
Global challenges faced by arts and cultural education -- Potential benefits of arts and cultural education -- The EU's role in and support for cultural education -- Recent policy developments in cultural education -- The European Parliament's concern for arts and cultural education policy -- Main references --
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