Talking to others: analysing tourists' communications on cultural heritage experiences / Diolinda Ramírez-Gutiérrez, Heredina Fernández-Betancort and Agustin Santana-Talavera
Online resources: In: International journal of heritage studies Vol. 24, no 6 (June 2018), p. 634-648Summary: In the area of cultural heritage, tourists' experiences emphasise not only the moment and its personal nature but also socio-cultural traits. These experiences when expressed (social communications) are an important gateway to knowledge about tourists' sense-making processes. This paper reports on the mediation between tourists and heritage sites via comments on a digital platform (TripAdvisor) about two Spanish tourist destinations with opposing characteristics and four heritage sites, which are analysed. The methodology used seeks to transcend the individual and anecdotal aspects of tourists' comments. Indeed, the results obtained show the relevance of the humanisation and the discursive weight of heritage contexts in emotional/personal stories. Tendencies observed in non-regulated contexts confirm the role of a complex negotiation at cultural heritage sites and highlight the need to explore possible exchanges of sense in tourists' encounters with such sites. (Font: Autor)No physical items for this record
Introduction -- Theoretical framework -- Methodology -- Results -- Discussion -- Conclusions -- References
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