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Provincial support for the cultural industries [Recurs electrònic] : A systematic presentation of programs and policies / prepared by Andrew David Terris

Por: Colaborador(es): Detalles de publicación: Halifax (Canada) : Arts Nova Cultural Research and Consulting, 2004Descripción: 115 pRecursos en línea: Formatos físicos adicionales:
  • També disponible còpia impressa
  • També disponible edició en francès, sota el títol: "Aide provinciale aux industries culturelles : présentation systémàtique des programmes et politiques"
Resumen: Government’s role in support of culture has been steadily increasing in Canada since the end of World War II. All three levels of government now have a substantial range of policies and programs which support cultural development. With this increase in government support has come a desire to measure the efficacy of these programs. Over the past 25 years, the use of cultural statistics, once considered an oxymoron, has become widespread. This has been especially true for the cultural industries, whose industrial nature readily lends itself to economic and statistical analysis. Given the explosive growth of the cultural industries and the burgeoning awareness of their economic impact, Canada’s provincial governments have generally increased support for their film, television, publishing, sound recording, and new media industries. However, no systematic comparison of these provincial initiatives has ever been carried out. This report is the first attempt to fill that gap. (Font: Introducció) .
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e-Libro e-Libro Centre d' Informació i Documentació del CERC Repositori digital General DIG05_0291.pdf 1 Disponible 1200050291

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També disponible edició en francès, sota el títol: "Aide provinciale aux industries culturelles : présentation systémàtique des programmes et politiques"

Preface – Copyright -- Introduction – Goal – Methodology – Scope – Caveats – Definitions: 1. Cultural Industries ; 2. Types of Support ; 3. Program Categories ; 4. Program Attributes – Navigation -- Provincial Support for the cultural industries: AB Alberta ; BC British Columbia ; MB Manitoba ; NB New Brunswick ; NL Newfoundland ; NS Nova Scotia ; ON Ontario ; PE Prince Edward Island ; QC Quebec ; SK Saskatchewan -- Summary and Conclusions -- Ideas for Future Research

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