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Creative partnerships: intersections between the arts, culture and other sectors [Recurs electrònic] : a discussion paper prepared for the 5th World Summit on Arts & Culture Melbourne, 3-6 October, 2011 / research and report prepared by Annamari Laaksonen ; edited by Sarah Gardner

By: Contributor(s): Series: D'art report ; 41Publication details: Sydney : IFACCA, 2011Online resources: Summary: This discussion paper represents one of the first attempts to research and analyse creative intersections, their forms and structures and the policies that influence them. The objective of the research project was to look at the ways that artists are working in diverse settings (from communities through to the commercial sector) and the nature of partnerships ('intersections‘) that exist between the arts and other sectors. It also looked at the ways that governments at all levels (local, national, international) initiate, support or influence such relationships through policies or programmes. As the research already conducted in this field is very limited, some of the statements in this paper are broad generalisations and may not apply to every situation. The aim has been to give voice to the creative and culture professionals working across sectors, and other people involved in such experiences in order to understand the issues that impact on them. In addition to the information gathered through the questionnaires and interviews, this discussion paper presents a bibliography and list of web-based resources, a listing of organisations working across sectors, and an extensive selection of inspiring practices in the field. The report contains many quotes from respondents, of which some are presented anonymously by request. The report covers four key areas. The first is a general review of creative intersections and the types of sectors where these intersections occur. This review is based largely on the information gathered from the respondents and the material uncovered by desk research. The second is a perspective on the structural aspects of partnerships prompted by the information and vision provided by the experts consulted. The third summarises the policies and programmes undertaken by the funding bodies surveyed, and the fourth identifies elements and themes for further discussion. (Font: Editor)Summary: Projecte de recerca sobre les anomenades interseccions creatives entre les arts, la cultura i altres sectors. Es tracta de l’IFACCA D’ART REPORT 41 i ha estat preparat per Annamari Laaksonen, investigadora de la Federació. El treball té un doble d’objectiu, d’una banda, analitzar el treball transversal dels artistes i professionals de la cultura i de l’altra, proporcionar una base sòlida per als debats de la 5a Cimera Mundial de les Arts i la Cultura que s’acaba de celebrar a Melbourne del 3 al 6 d’octubre. L’informe aborda les qüestions següents: es fa una revisió general de les interseccions creatives i s’observa entre quins sectors s’hi generen; s’ofereix una perspectiva dels aspectes estructurals que configuren aquestes associacions; es realitza un seguiment de les polítiques i programes implementats pels governs (locals, estatals i internacionals) per fomentar, recolzar o influenciar aquestes col·laboracions, i finalment, s’identifiquen alguns elements clau per fomentar el debat. La investigació parteix de dos qüestionaris enviats per l’IFACCA a professionals del sector cultural amb experiència pràctica o conceptual en les interseccions creatives, d’una banda, i a institucions i agències governamentals que desenvolupen polítiques en aquest sentit, de l’altra. A part de les respostes obtingudes a través dels qüestionaris, l’informe també proporciona una bibliografia, webgrafia, un llistat d'organitzacions que treballen des de la transversalitat i una selecció de casos pràctics. Aquest treball proporciona una molt valuosa primera aproximació a aquest tema. Cal tenir en compte però, que la recerca existent sobre aquest tema és encara molt limitada i algunes de les aportacions que s’hi fan són generalitzacions no aplicables a situacions concretes. (Font: el Centre)
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Introduction -- The role of art and culture in creative intersections -- Finding a match: what are the ‘other’ sectors -- Are we in this alone? Policies and programmes that support creative intersections -- Who takes the initiative? The architecture of creative intersections -- What do arts and culture bring to the relationship? -- We need to talk! The pros and cons of creative intersections -- Is money an issue? Funding and resources -- Is this going anywhere? Evaluation and measurement of creative intersections -- The future for creative intersections: what more do we need to know? -- Bibliography and further reading -- Other resources -- Appendix 1. Examples of interdisciplinary actors -- Appendix 2. Examples of inspiring practices and programmes -- Apendix 3. Respondents to the surveys and interviews -- Appendix 4. Questionnaire 1 -- Appendix 5. Questionnaire 2

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