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Analysis of application of the thesauri of cultural development in European documentation centers / Miroslav Tudjman

Por: Colaborador(es): Detalles de publicación: Zagreb : [Institute for Culture of Croatia], 1986Descripción: 150 fResumen: In early 1980, UNESCO published the International Thesaurus of Cultural Development (ITCD) prepared by M. Jean Viet, in English and French; this structured macro thesaurus constitutes a documentation language of approximately 3,000 terms and is intended for use in the processing and retrieval of documents on cultural development. ITCD is an international macro thesaurus because it has not been prepared for the needs of any single country or culture, but constitutes a basic categorical apparatus relevant to the field of cultural development, and should serve as a work of reference in the preparation of national and regional thesauri. (Font: Introduction)
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Libro Libro Centre d' Informació i Documentació del CERC BD Tud 86 1 Disponible 1900030539

Part One. Analysis of Application of the Thesauri of Cultural Development in European Documentation Services: 1. Introduction ; 2. Joint Study: The Thesauri of Cultural Development. Application and Methods for Evaluation ; 3. Analysis of Application of the Thesauri of Cultural Development in European Documentation Services ; 4. Methods for Data Collection ; 5. Results; On Certain "Historical" Postulates ; Presentation of Data ; Available Data ; 6. In Place of a Conclusion: References ; List of Abbreviations -- Part Two. Application of the Thesauri of Cultural Development in European Documentation Centers; Tables 1 to 75 -- Part Three. Supplements: Supplement A. Questionnaire ; Supplement B. List of institution/organizations that answered the Questionnaire ; Supplement C: List of Questionnaires that arrived late (March 1986)

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