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Supporting regional music production clusters in the post-pandemic era: placing business support at the heart of local cultural policy [Recurs electrònic] / Allan Watson

By: Description: 16 p. : digital, fitxer PDF (675,21 Kb)Online resources: In: International journal of cultural policy Vol. 30, n. 5 (2024), p. 667-681.Summary: While the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the live music industryhave received much attention, little consideration has been given to regio-nal music production clusters more broadly. Evaluating the impacts of thepandemic on the music economy of North West England, this paper iden-tifies key areas of support required as music businesses transition intoa digitally-orientated post-COVID period. Findings demonstrate the waysin which the pandemic encouraged or forced music businesses to innovatewith new digital ways of showcasing, promoting and distributing music.Yet, while digitalisation offers many opportunities, these are often difficultfor businesses to capitalise upon. The paper argues the need to placebusiness support at the heart of local cultural policy. More specifically, thepaper makes the case for a soft institutionalist approach whereby localpolicymakers, the market and civil society work together to generate anddistribute crucial resources of human, financial and social capital. (Font: Autor)
List(s) this item appears in: Novetats 2024 (Setembre/Octubre)
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e-Article e-Article Centre d' Informació i Documentació del CERC Repositori digital General E240047 Accés al document Available E240047

Creative Commons Reconeixement - No comercial - Sense obra derivada (CC BY - NC - ND)


Abstract -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Setting the regional context: music production clusters in North West England -- 3. Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on regional music businesses -- 4. Digital shifts and innovations -- 5. Supporting regional music businesses -- 6. Conclusions: placing business support at the heart of local cultural policy -- References.

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