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Arts education beyond art : teaching art in times of change / Barend van Heusden & Pascal Gielen (eds.)

Colaborador(es): Series Antennae ; 16Detalles de publicación: Amsterdam : Valiz, 2015Descripción: 192 pISBN:
  • 9789078088851
Resumen: People and societies thrive on a versatile and imaginative awareness. Yet the critical debate on arts education is still too often about the qualities of artefacts and technical skills, and tends to neglect issues such as the critical function of the arts in society, artistic cognition and cognitive development, changing artistic and cultural practices, and research into arts participation. Therefore it seems time for a change in perspective, shifting the focus from the qualities of artefacts to those of embodied cognitive and social processes. Arts Education Beyond Art argues that education of the arts, both for children and adults, should focus on the qualities of the processes generated by the artistic artefacts, and on these artefacts as means to an end. Instead of teaching how to look at art, we should teach how to look at life - through art. (Font: Editor)
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Libro Libro Centre d' Informació i Documentació del CERC Sala General S 01893 Disponible CERC18040015

Introduction. New directions in arts education / Barend van Heusden & Pascal Gielen -- Artists on arts education. A written discussion / Michael van der Aa, Arnon Grunberg, Aernout Mik, Charlotte Mutsaers, Ramsey Nasr, Gijs Scholten van Aschat, Barbara Visser -- The Museum as a place of cultural (self-)education. A declaration of love / Erns Wagner -- Values of arts and cultural education. Changing identities in the time of democracy, creative class and cultural and creative industries / Bernard Darras -- Mission fulfilled. Art education and visual culture / Franz Billmayer -- Arts education in the age of cultural diversity. A basis to gain cultural identity in a risk society / Susanne Keuchel -- he end of the "To-Do-List". Towards a balanced arts education / Lode Vermeersch & Willem Elias -- Lessons in disproportion. The role of play in arts education and the role of art in education / Pascal Gielen -- Arts education "After the End of Art". Towards a new framework for arts education / Baren van Heusden -- Contributors -- Arts in society series -- Index -- Colophon

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