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The Great good place : cafes, coffee shops, bookstores, bars, hair ssalons, and other hangouts at the heart of a community / Ray Oldenburg

Por: Detalles de publicación: Massachusetts : Berkshire, cop. 2023Descripción: xxxvi, 354 pISBN:
  • 9781614720973
Resumen: "Third places," or "great good places," are all the wonderful places where people gather, put aside the concerns of home and work (our first and second places), and hang out simply for the pleasures of good company and lively conversation. Third places are the heart of a community's social vitality, and have long been central to grassroots democracy. Author Ray Oldenburg is renowned for coining the term "third place." In this book, he portrays, probes, and promotes these great good places: coffee houses, cafés, bookstores, hair salons, bars, bistros, and more, both past and present - and offers a vision for their revitalization. Eloquent and visionary, this book offers a compelling argument for the importance of informal public and civic life. It explains how third places are essential to community health and individual well-being. In the years since its first appearance in 1989, The Great Good Place has inspired policy makers and entrepreneurs from Seattle to Singapore, Osaka to Oslo. They have opened coffee houses, bookstores, community centers, bars, and other establishments - proudly acknowledging their indebtedness to Ray Oldenburg's ideas. (Font: Editor)
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Libro Libro Centre d' Informació i Documentació del CERC Sala General S 04135 1 Disponible CERC24110017

About the Berkshire Reprint Edition, 2023 -- Preface to the First Edition, 1989 -- Preface to the Second Edition, 1999 -- Introduction -- Acknowledgments -- Part I: 1. The problem of place in America ; 2. The caracter of third places ; 3. The personal benefits ; 4. The greater good -- Part II. 5. The german-american lager beer gardens ; 6. Main street ; 7. The English pub ; 8. The French cafe ; 9. The American Tavern ; 10. Classic Coffeehouses -- Part III: 11. A hostile habitat ; 12. The sexes and the third place ; 13. Shutting out youth ; 14. Toward better times... and places -- Notes.

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